Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Don't Bother with Over-wintered Tomatoe Plants

On an earlier post I noted that my tomatoe plant from last year was growing well in the greenhouse.  The plant continued to grow very well and did a great job as an aquaponics water filter, but it was a complete failure as a tomatoe factory.  I removed the plant from the grow bed several weeks with nary a tomatoe harvested.  The following pictures show the size the plant got to (yes, that is a single plant) and the size of the stalks once removed from the planter.

Conclusion: don't bother with your tomatoe plants that survive past the first year.  Plant new ones.

On a related topic, overwintered bell peppers do very well continuing to produce.  You can see the bell pepper plants to the left on the photo of the tomatoe stalk photo.

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